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Alight Tours checks all the right boxes for environmentally conscious ecotourism today, while providing top notch birding tours.
We birded intensely and explored the diverse ecosystems of Costa Rica, we were always well looked after by our guides and at our accommodations. Alight Tours exceeded my expectations!
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Guan, Crested 1 - LR edit.jpg
Birding with Alight Tours was a wonderful opportunity that combined local conservation projects with outrageous birding experiences. The emphasis on local guides and accommodations helped us feel like we were contributing to the communities we visited.
"Toby sincerely strives towards including conservation themes, and engaging local guides and establishments in a deliberate and wonderful way. I highly recommend him and his many local allies!"
Parakeet, Brown-throated - LR edit - KM4, Colombia - Mar 2023.jpg
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